Documentary-photos essays and in-depth audio stories
of 27 individuals and families living homeless, or in poverty in Quincy, Illinois. This 18-month-long project uncovers the realities of poverty and its detrimental effects on those who suffer from being poor. The project explores the shortage of affordable, safe housing, and the consequences to health, safety, and welfare when municipalities concentrate the poor in blighted neighborhoods, like sections of Quincy's north side, where the only real economy is one of illegal drugs and predatory practices by unscrupulous characters.
Helping Quanada provide services for sexual assault and
domestic violence survivors through partnering with New York based photographer, Donna Ferrato of "I Am Unbeatable," designer, Cameron Bohnstedt of Canada, and visual editor, Andrea Wise to provide a free, compelling multi-media story about the Quanada shelter from the perspective of local domestic violence survivors. The fundraiser campaign raised more than $$$$ at a critical time when the state of Illinois hadn't passed a budget for more than two years, causing the only shelter serving 5 counties in Illinois to reduce its capacity by half.
Supporting Teen Reach of Quincy, through free
editorial and portrait photography support to help promote the program which provides essential before and after school support for children and young adults. Teen Reach provides a safe environment, mentorship, nutritional snacks, and one-on-one tutoring by volunteers in our community. The program also serves parents who would otherwise have to pay out of pocket expenses for after school child care, a service many working parents simply cannot afford.
This One Tree Somewhere
Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.